Thursday, December 19, 2013

I really do care about my family

I'm so bad. So, so, so bad.


I want to be a faithful blogger. I love to read blogs. I want to document my life.

But I can't get on the ball.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Tender Mercies

My weekend did NOT go as planned. But I'm happy to have stronger testimony of the Lord's concern for my family (and all the things I worry about) as a result! 

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for showing me your love in simple but profound ways. 

I'm excited about Lindsey's new friend coming to visit, going with my family and my mother to the Atlanta Temple open house on Saturday, and celebrating the miracle of Easter on Sunday. 

What a great week this promises to be.

His Sacred Name - An Easter Declaration

Monday, March 21, 2011

I liked to a-died!

So the other day I said to my kids, "You young'uns get in here and fix y'uns a plate!" Just trying it out, you know, as it's been a long time since words like that got to roll around on my tongue. Riley had absolutely no idea that I was telling him dinner was ready. I repeated it twice; still, no clue.

How I miss hearing those little expressions! They wrapped me up in the warmth and security of family during my childhood. Maybe I understood that they were old-fashioned, but I never knew until recently that there would be a time in my life when I would ache to hear them again.

Just a few things I want to remember from my eastern TN / north GA roots:

"a'body" - someone (Can't a'body stand it.)
"liked to" - almost (I liked to a'died!)
"least 'un" - youngest sibling (That least 'un needs a bath.)
"of a'day" - every day (I make beans of' a'day and eat them for supper.)
"sweet milk" - not buttermilk (Put some sweet milk on your cereal.)
"thow" - throw (He thowed a rock and it hit the house.)
"whoopin'" - whipping
"Cut me a hickory (or a switch)" - You're about to get a whoopin'!
"a'hold" - take in hand (Get a'hold of that tooth and pull.)
"come up" - grew up (I come up with 2 sisters.)
"about to bust" - ate too much
"ill" - bad-tempered (He's always ill when he loses sleep.)
"hen apples" - eggs
"okra" pronounced "okree"
"wasn't" pronounced "wutton"
"wash" pronounced "worsh"
"wire" and "fire" pronounced "war" and "far"
"Coke" for any carbonated drink, but "Co-cola" for "Coke"
"like" for "lack" - (I liked 2 dollars, or I would have had enough.)
"Hush!" - a command to be quiet
"Law!" as an expression, instead of using the Lord's name
"directly" - soon (I'll be there directly or "dreckly.")
"mash" - apply pressure to (Mash the button.)
"waspers" - flying stinging insects

I'm reading a great book (Bloodroot by Amy Greene) and it has put my in a nostalgic mood. Makes me feel like I'm sitting on my Granny's lap, listening to her talk to one of her sisters.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's mushiness

All I need is the air that I breathe and to love you.

Well, that, and the trash taken out.

I would really love to have the trash taken out.

Kidding! I adore my Valentine sweetheart. Just when I think "This is it, we have officially settled in to boring old married life," (to which we are entitled, after all!) we spend an evening in bed watching the Grammies. Nobody can make me laugh like Scott. And to see how much it pleases him to entertain me, how he works at it, well. That's just plain sexy. I can't believe I get to have this man around forever.

Below is the song I can't stop listening to.
Reminds me of our courtship.

The Avett Brothers - Laundry Room

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Krafty Kids (made kuter by the letter k!)

Avery and her friend, possibly inspired by the nonstop Cake Boss marathon we usually have running on Netflix, came up with this wonderful little garden-themed beauty using the friend's cake mix, fondant and gum paste.

Budding domestic divas, I think!

Riley spent two days at home this week (strep, lucky kid) and took advantage of the time by making his Valentine mailbox for school. He covered it with leftover Christmas wrapping paper. Of course I didn't tell him that's what it was. Better to let him think he has resourceful mom who had the foresight weeks ago to help him make his precious little box.

Now for the cards. Wouldn't it be sweet to do some homemade valentines together, his little hands carefully crafting each one?

Well, we're not doing that.

Instead, we're going to Walmart to look for the Lick'em Sticks mini-packs with a "to" and "from" box on the front, which qualifies them as a valentine suitable for a classmate. Sigh. Maybe I can get Avery to do something charming and lovely.

Man, I used to love Valentine's Day in elementary school. So many nice little notes to look over at the end of it all, my name on every single one. Not a single Tootsie Pop among them, and they were still special.

Off topic: Admire Cate Blanchett all you want in that picture on my last post, but here is the reality of forty and female in my world. Ha!

Happy Birthday, Tammy!